Hide 'n' Seek

Author: Angel's Kuuipo

Email: angelskuuipo@yahoo.com

Pairing: Angel/Willow

Rating: PG-13

Dislcaimer: Not mine, never have been, never will be.damnit.

Distribution: My LJ, willangelus LJ community, SOG, NHA, and anyone else I've previously given permission to.  Anyone else, just ask.

Feedback: Yes, please.  Makes me all happy-like.

Warnings/Squicks: Alludes to domestic violence without going into detail.

Author's Note: Written for velvetwhip.  I disappear for a couple of days and find out my friend is sad when I get back.  I hope you're feeling a tad better, sweetie.  I wrote you some dark W/A!  Can you believe it?

Author's Note 2: Completely unbetaed.  Any and all mistakes are mine.

Summary: Nope, just read it.


The doorknob rattled and Willow huddled closer into her corner of the closet.  Over and over she prayed that if he opened the door, she wouldn't be found.  It was a big closet after all and blankets and suitcases hid her shaking form.

"Will-ow.  Come out, come out wherever you are."  The singsong quality of the dark, rich voice she used to love, now made her cringe and bite her lip to keep from screaming.  The door opened and the overhead light switched on.  Willow buried her head under her arms and prayed to a goddess that had apparently abandoned her.  "There you are, little one.  You shouldn't have tried to hide.  You've made me angry and you know what happens when you make me angry."

As she was roughly pulled from her hiding place, Willow thought bitterly, yeah I know what happens when you get angry.  She had thought becoming human would make Angel happy.

She was wrong.

The End
